Blanchisseuses (Jeunesse passe vite vertu!) Laundresses (How quickly Youth Fades!) Soft ground etching with aquatint printed in colors, 1893, Stein & Karshan 41, Lotz-Brissonneau 91, edition 100. 15 1/2 x 9 1/8 in. Signed in the plate, lower right. Signed and numbered in blue crayon, lower right. This is a superb impression with full margins. The condition is fine apart from a tiny fox mark at the extreme top edge of the sheet. This impression was published by "L'Estampe Originale," (Plate 24, Album III), and bears their blindstamp in the lower left corner (Lugt 819). $2,000 |
City of Rag Pickers (Cité des Chiffonniers) Etching, 1895, Lotz-Brissonneau 102, edition 35. 8 1/2 x 10 1/8 in. Signed in the plate, lower left. Signed and numbered in pencil. This is a very fine impression printed on a cream laid paper. The margins are small but this is probably the full sheet as printed. The condition is very good other than for a small old hinge on the upper left corner margin, recto. Ex-collection the artist (Lugt 141). An annotation on the old mat states the print is from the collection of George Petit Didier. $675 |
Fete Venitienne, sur la Seine (Paris) Wood engraving, 1889, Lotz-Brissoneau 198; small edition. 8 3/4 x 6 7/8 in. Signed in the block and signed in ink, lower right. This is a fine "fume" impression printed on thin Japanese paper. The margins are quite wide and appear to be full. The condition is very good apart from modest old paper hinges at the corners. The catalogue states that only a few signed proofs were ever done. This work was later illustrated in La Revue Illustree. SOLD |
Grapes Wood engraving, 1908, edition of 35 published by Desmoulin in 1908. 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 in. Signed in ink lower right. This is a fine impression on thin Japanese paper. The margins are wide and the condition is fine. This is a tail piece from the suite of thirty-four wood engravings called La Foret de Fontainebleau. (See LB 156-161, 163-165, 204-227.) SOLD |
L'Abreuvoir Woodcut printed in two shades of brown, 1910, Texier-Bernier 521 (ii/II), edition 50. 12 x 15 3/4 in. Signed in the block and signed in pencil lower right. A fine impression printed on wove paper. Fine condition. The margins appear to be full and untrimmed. SOLD |
L'Sortie de l'Exposition de 1889 Wood engraving, 1889, Lotz-Brissonneau 197; edition of 15 8 5/8 x 6 3/4 in. Signed in the block and signed in pencil, lower right. This is a fine impression printed on a cream Japanese paper. The margins are wide and appear to be untrimmed. This sophisticated work is a great visual document of Paris at the time of the 1889 Exposition. The Eiffel Tower is shown in the background at right. It was built as the entrance arch for the Exposition. SOLD |
La Cathédrale de Rouen Wood engraving, 1888, Lotz-Brissonneau 177 (iii/III), edition 50. 20 x 12 1/2 in. Signed and titled in the block, lower right. ("Rouen...A. Lepere del. sc.") Signed and numbered in pencil. This is a superb impression printed on a very thin Japanese paper. The margins are wide and the condition is fine. This masterpiece of wood engraving is one of Lepere's finest cathedral studies. A similar impression, also from the edition of 50, is in the Art Institute of Chicago. SOLD |
La Montagne Sainte-Genevieve, rue de l'Estacade (Paris) Wood engraving, 1890, Lotz-Brissonneau 216; from the edition of 15. 8 x 4 3/4 in. Signed in the block and signed in ink, lower right. This is a fine ("fume") impression printed on thin Japanese paper. The margins are substantial (about 1/2" top and sides with 1" on the bottom). The condition is fine. This impression has the red stamp of the artist, lower left. (An inscription in ink by Lepere appears to state, "tire a 10Ep.") SOLD |
La Musique et la Poésie Secourant les Artistes Wood engraving printed in colors, 1909, Texier-Bernier 517 (iii/III), edition 45. 7 1/4 x 5 in. Signed in the block with the monogram, lower right. Signed and numbered in pencil, lower left, and signed with a printed signature, lower right. This is a fine impression printed on china paper. The margins are full. The condition is very good other than for a small paper disruption on the verso and remains old hinges showing on the right edges of the sheet. In this bucolic scene, an old artist is being consoled in his time of need. SOLD |
La Vallee de Franchard (Foret de Fountainebleau) Wood engraving, 1888, Lotz-Brissonneau 164; very small edition. 7 5/8 x 6 1/4 in. Signed in the block and signed in pencil, lower right. This is a superb "fume" impression in fine condition. The margins are full. According to L-B, it was hard to get fine impressions from this block and even the one used for cataloging purposes was not so good. La Vallee is described by Judith Pillsbury as "one of the most painterly of Lepere's wood engravings." (See her Catalogue #10, entry number 9.) Provenance: William Weston Gallery, London. SOLD |
Le Boulevard, pres du Vaudeville Wood engraving, 1889, Lotz-Brissoneau 201; proofs only. 7 x 5 1/2 in. Signed in pencil lower right and with "et" in pencil added by the artist (etat). This is a superb impression printed on thin Japanese paper. The condition is very good apart from subtle foxing here and there and minor wrinkling. The margins are wide and probably full. This is a rare proof of an early, undescribed state, before the blank area to the right of the standing figure and also to her left. The artist's red ink stamp (Lugt 141) is in the lower left corner. This image was never published in a formal edition and early proofs such as this are quite rare. $900 |
Le Bout Genet (Crévecoeur-le-Grand) Etching, 1913, Texier-Bernier 409 (ii/II), edition 50. 10 3/8 x 8 in. Signed in the plate and signed and numbered in pencil, lower right. Here we have a fine, luminous impression printed on fairly thin Japanese paper. The margins are full and the condition is fine. This is a very nice example of his landscape etching. SOLD |
Le Pont-Neuf, Paris Lithograph, 1913, Texier-Bernier 615 (ii/II); edition 100 plus 2 proofs in this state. 13 1/2 x 17 1/4 in. Signed and dated on the stone. Signed on the stone below the image at right with the his printed signature. This is followed by the pencil indication of the edition, in this case, 33/100. The impression is fine and the condition is very good. There's a faint trace of discoloration along a previous mat opening but this is a minor consideration. The margins are full. This large, later work depicts a classic view of Paris rendered beautifully by the artist. SOLD |
Le Quai des Grands Augustins Wood engraving, 1886, Lotz-Brissoneau 148 (ii/II); edition 80 (only 20 with the red remarque) 10 3/4 x 4 3/4 in. Signed in the block and signed in pencil, lower right. This impression inscribed, "No.6", by the artist. This is a superb impression on Japanese paper. The margins are full. Apart from a subtle suggestion of foxing here and there, the condition is very good. This beautiful design is complimented here by the addition of the red remarque which is printed from a separate block. SOLD |
Les Arbres Tordus (Saint-Jean-de-Monts) Etching, 1914, Texier-Bernier 417 (ii/II), edition 50. 7 x 11 in. Signed in the plate, lower right. Signed and numbered in pencil, lower right. This is a fine impression printed on off-white Japanese paper. The margins are substantial and probably full. The condition is very good apart from old hinges, verso, showing through at the top corners outside of the platemark. This work was published by Sagot, Paris, and their blindstamp is in the lower right corner margin. $600 |
Les Fontaines Lumineuses Wood engraving, 1889, Lotz-Brissoneau 190; small edition ( 9 5/8 x 6 1/2 in. Signed in the block and signed in pencil, lower right. This is a fine impression printed on thin china paper. The margins are full and the condition is very good. This block was cut with the assistance of Paillard and his name is also inscribed in the block, lower right. This work later appeared in the "Revue de l'Exposition. SOLD |
Leveling of La Place Maubert (Nivellement de la Place Maubert) Etching, 1890, Lotz-Brissonneau 14 (ii/II), edition 30. 6 3/8 x 6 1/4 in. Signed and titled in the plate. Signed and numbered in pencil. This is s a fine impression of this uncommon early work. The margins are probably full. The condition is fine apart from old hinges on the verso. The Square was created in the beginning of the 13th century. $650 |
Notre Dame as seen from the Quay de Montebello (Notre Dame vue de Quai de Montebello) Etching, 1901, Lotz-Brissonneau 125 (ii/II), edition 40. 7 3/8 x 10 3/4 in. Signed in pencil. This is a fine impression printed on a cream wove paper and published by Sagot. The margins are full. The image is slightly light struck within an early mat opening. There's a red collectors mark in the lower right corner of the sheet which we have yet to identify. $700 |
Paris under Snow, View from St.-Gervais (Paris sous la Niege, vu du Haut de St-Gervais) Wood engraving, 1890, Lotz-Brissonneau 230, edition unknown. 12 x 18 in. Signed in the block, lower right. Signed in pencil. This is a fine, rich impression printed on a large sheet of simili-Japan paper. The margins are full. The condition is fine apart from some wrinkling vertically along the right margin from handling. This is a tour de force of wood engraving and an outstanding example of Lepère's many skills. Impressions of this major print are found in the National Gallery, Princeton University Art Museum, and the Baltimore Museum of Art, among others. SOLD |
Retun of the Flock (Retour du Troupeau) Etching, undated but possibly 1913, possibly G. M. Textier-Bernier 408, edition 50. 10 x 7 1/2 in. Signed in the plate, lower right. Signed and numbered in pencil. This is a very fine impression printed on laid paper and the work was published by Sagot. There are traces of old hinges on the verso edges. There's an unidentified collector's mark in the lower right corner margin. This beautiful print is a fine example of Lepere's ability to draw trees and make a complete subject at the same time. $700 |
Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Genevieve (Paris) Etching, 1906, Texier-Bernier 340 (ii/II), edition 40. 10 1/8 x 6 1/8 in. Signed in the plate with initials, upper right corner. Signed in pencil, lower right. This is a superb impression printed on thin Japanese paper. The margins are full and the condition is very good. (Old hinges remain on the corners, verso.) This lovely work depicts St. Etienne-du-Mont in the background, a church also etched with great success by Charles Meryon. SOLD |
Sous Bois, à la Rigonette (Vendée) Etching, 1911, Texier-Bernier 386 (ii/III), edition 35. 7 3/4 x 10 1/2 in. Signed and numbered in pencil, lower right. This is a fine, luminous impression printed on thin, creamy Japanese paper. The margins are full. The condition is fine. (There's a modest printing crease in the lower right, just to the image.) This plate was subsequently cut down and a third edition of 150 was printed. SOLD |
The Apple Market (Le Marché aux Pommes) Etching, 1917, Texier-Bernier 435, edition 150. 12 5/8 x 18 1/2 in. Signed and dated in the plate, lower right. Signed and numbered in pencil. This is a fine impression with full margins. The condition is excellent. This large, lovely panoramic view shows Notre Dame in the far right. $1,600 |
The Sun setting from Behind the Trees (Coucher de Soleil derrière les Arbes) Etching, 1908, Texier-Bernier 357 (ii/III), four impressions in this state. 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 in. Signed and numbered in pencil. Here we have a fine, luminous impression with full margins. The condition is very good other than for very light toning within an early mat opening and a soft vertical crease in the left margin. There were 6 impressions in the first state and the third and final state consisted of forty impressions. The plate was published by Sagot, Paris. $550 |