William Zorach linoleums for sale

American, 1887-1966

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Provincetown Houses -  ZORACH

Provincetown Houses
Linoleum cut on thin japan paper, circa 1916, very small edition. 5 3/8 x 6 7/8 in. Signed in pencil. A fine impression in fine condition. Wide if not full margins. Zorach studied in Paris in 1910-11 and later spent several summers in Provincetown, MA. There he produced a small number of powerful, modernist blockprints and the editions printed were quite small.

Sailing -  ZORACH

Linoleum cut, 1919, small edition. 7 1/8 x 6 1/2 in. Signed in pencil. This is a fine, rich impression of this rare print printed in thin wove paper. The margins are full and the condition is fine apart from small original hinges slightly visible at the top front corners and a couple of specks of printers ink in the right margin. This dynamic print is illustrated and discussed in Print Collector's Quarterly, Volume XIX, No.4, pages 164-165 in an article by Efram Burke. "The print conveys a dramatic interplay of of light and dark patterns, shifting movements, and the energy and force of nature translated through a direct and forceful cutting of the image in the linoleum block." (see page 165). According to Ephram, the location for this print is Stonington, ME. (Six impressions are cited in museum collections.)

Sunrise (also called Seiners) -  ZORACH

Sunrise (also called Seiners)
Linoleum cut, 1915-16, Burk Appendix II (PCQ, December 2002, pg. 372); small edition. 11 5/8 x 8 1/2 in. Signed in pencil. This is a superb, richly inked impression with full margins. The condition is fine apart occasional soft wrinkles here and there in the margins only. Burk writes about this major print in his PCQ article, "A sense of other-wordly communion is conveyed in this work, with the boat illuminated by the rising sun, which levitates magically over the water and casts a dark shadow on its surface. The vessel is surrounded by a myraid of of fish swimming in oval patterns." Provenance: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, NY.

Also available from zorach: zorach linocuts for sale, zorach linoleums for sale, zorach prints for sale

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William P. Carl Fine Prints

P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709
TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383
E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com