The Poachers (Stroopers) - ANTOON HERCKENRATH

Medium: linoleum cut

The Poachers (Stroopers) - ANTOON  HERCKENRATH - linoleum cut

Belgian, (1907-1977)

Linoleum cut, 1934, Horemans pg. 90, edition 25. 14 7/8 x 11 in. Initialed in the block and signed and titled in pencil. This is a superb impression printed on off-white laid paper. The margins are full and the condition is excellent. This large work is an outstanding example of Belgian expressionist printmaking between the wars. Along with van Straten, Masereel, the brothers Cantre and others, Herckenrath created a compelling body of graphic images often depicting potent themes and the emotional angst of the day. Block prints became the medium of choice for the message. The editions tend to be small and this important material is proving to be difficult to find today.      SOLD

Also available from Herckenrath: Herckenrath engravings for sale, Herckenrath etchings for sale, Herckenrath linoleums for sale, Herckenrath woodcuts for sale, Herckenrath prints for sale


William P. Carl Fine Prints

P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709
TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383