william p carl ❖ fine prints
Lovers of classical art are even more convinced that the cause of the Arts in France is doomed (Amateurs classiques de plus en plus...) - HONORE DAUMIER
Medium: lithograph

French, (1808-1879)
Lithograph, 1852, Delteil 2295 (only state ?), edition unknown. 9 3/4 x 8 1/2 in. Signed on the stone with the artist's initials. This is a fine "sur blanc" impression with wide margins. The condition is very good apart from slight foxing on the verso. This is one of eleven plates from the series "Le Public du Salon." It was published in Le Charivari, May 7, 1852. (Oddly, there's only one state described by Delteil for this image. Most of the other prints from this series have two states; one before letters and one with.) SOLD
Also available from Daumier: Daumier lithographs for sale, Daumier prints for sale
William P. Carl Fine Prints
P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com