william p carl ❖ fine prints
Street Scene with Lady in a Hat - JOHAN DIJKSTRA
Medium: woodcut

Dutch, (1896-1978)
Woodcut, circa 1925-27, edition unknown but quite small. 20 1/2 x 15 in. Signed in pencil lower right and inscribed 'epreuve," lower left. This is a superb, early impression printed on tan paper. The margins are substantial and the condition is fine. Dijkstra was a founding member of the Dutch expressionist movement known as "De Ploeg," (The Plow) which was established in Groningen in 1918. Indeed, expressionism was international. Dijkstra, along with Jan Wiegers, Jan Altink and others, were keenly aware of the German contingent of the expressionist movement and Wiegers became very close friends with Kirchner while he was living in Davos, Switzerland. Dutch expressionism is often overlooked but it represents an integral part of early 20th century Dutch artistic heritage. The Groninger Museum today possesses a large collection of prints, drawings and paintings by these artists. This is an exceptional and rare woodcut certainly printed in a very small edition. Dijkstra's best work, as seen here, clearly reflects the influence of Kirchner but also shows an artist with his own compelling vision. De Ploeg prints were printed in small editions due to the rather limited audience at the time. SOLD
Also available from Dijkstra: Dijkstra aquatints for sale, Dijkstra etchings for sale, Dijkstra woodcuts for sale, Dijkstra prints for sale
William P. Carl Fine Prints
P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com