william p carl ❖ fine prints
Falling Leaves, Amersfoort (Vallende Bladeren) - WOJ NIEUWENKAMP
Medium: etching

Dutch, (1874-1950)
Etching, 1907, Nieuwenkamp E88 (a total of 10 impressions in 4 states) 14 1/8 x 15 5/8 in. Signed and dated in the plate. Signed and titled in pencil. Also inscribed "epreuve d'artiste." A superb impression on Japanese paper. Full margins. Fine condition. With a small etched remarque lower right of a branch with leaves falling. This stunning, Jugendstijl-like image represents Nieuwenkamp at his best. Art and decoration come together here in a refined and elegant way. (Note: the plate bears the date 1914 but the catalogue states otherwise. Perhaps the decorative border was added later. In any event, this is a very rare print.) SOLD
Also available from Nieuwenkamp: Nieuwenkamp engravings for sale, Nieuwenkamp etchings for sale, Nieuwenkamp wood-engravings for sale, Nieuwenkamp woodcuts for sale, Nieuwenkamp prints for sale
William P. Carl Fine Prints
P.O. Box 14688, Durham, NC 27709TEL: (919) 294-8228 - CELL: (413) 221-2383E-mail: WPCARL@aol.com